Childhood Constipation Difficult to Spot

Childhood constipation is actually caused by many of the same factors that cause the condition in adults.  Constipation is not terribly difficult to spot because with intense pain in the abdomen, several days passing between bowel movements, and the pain associated with trying to pass hard, dry stool—the symptoms are pretty obvious.

The pain and aggravation of constipation often compels many of us to seek relief immediately and laxatives are the preferred treatment method.  Unfortunately, this is often not the best treatment method for childhood constipation as laxatives are made with stimulants and can be habit forming.  Complicating matters with childhood constipation is the fact that the condition is often difficult to identify—let alone treat!

A big factor in the troubles associated with identifying childhood constipation is the fact that many of us parents may confuse it with diarrhea.  Most of us are familiar with childhood constipation when it involves passing dry, hard stool or infrequent bowel movements.  Unfortunately, childhood constipation is not reported by kids to their parents due to embarrassment and shame.  Even when we parents are aware of problems, the presence of a watery stool discharge would make most think of diarrhea—not constipation!  So how can childhood constipation involve a watery discharge?

It is called “overflow constipation” and it can sometimes disguise childhood constipation as diarrhea. It is quite common for children to avoid a bowel movement during school hours or if they have hard or dry stool.  Of course, constipation can be caused by withholding bowel movements so the condition only worsens the more often the child avoids evacuation.  By the time the child is ready to have a bowel movement, the stool may have hardened into a blockage where only watery fecal matter can get past.  In many cases, this moist evacuation will appear as a white, milky substance and is a sure sign of childhood constipation.

This watery discharge is referred to as “overflow constipation” because it can escape when the child is not prepared for it and therefore mimic diarrhea even more.  Much of the time, the problem of childhood constipation is related to withholding bowel movements due to the embarrassment of using public toilets—and the problem usually begins in potty training!

Childhood constipation often begins in potty training due to the stresses and pressures exerted by parents during this sensitive period.  While defecation was once a very natural function, bowel movements suddenly take on increased importance and become sources of great attention and potential stress for children during potty training.  Childhood constipation during potty training is a very common condition and it will spread to later periods of life if not addressed.

A mild stool softener is often prescribed for childhood constipation symptoms and generally restores normal bowel movements within a day or two.  However, it is important to remember that childhood constipation can appear like diarrhea so it is critical that parents pay attention any time their children talk about having difficulty passing stool.

Establishing normal times for using the bathroom is a good way to help establish regularity.  Using a colon cleanser periodically will also help keep the gastrointestinal tract clean and reduce chances for a blockage developing.  Be sure the colon cleanser is made from all natural ingredients as those made from harsh chemicals can cause harmful side effects.

For a safe, gentle, all natural colon cleanser that has proven effective at treating and preventing childhood constipation, try New Colon Sweep today.