Can Constipation Diet Help or Just a Waste of Time?

We are all starting to read more and more about how a constipation diet can help us prevent bowel incontinence and live a healthier life in the process.  But, when the store shelves are lined with so many over the counter constipation remedies that can provide near-immediate relief—why should we bother with some special diet for such a minor problem?  After all, constipation pain is so common that many of us do not even bother to tell our doctor about it when we have a check-up.  However, while a constipation problem may seem relatively minor and a mere inconvenience, the truth is that the condition can lead to bigger problems in the future, such as:

  • Increased signs of aging due to free radical damage
  • Weakened immune system
  • Increased susceptibility to disease
  • Death—in case of septicemia or severe diverticulitis

Colon cancer is the third leading cause of death among all people with cancer.  This is not a surprise because the colon happens to be little more than a glorified toxic waste station in your body.  Human feces is loaded with tons of toxins and harmful bacteria that need to be evacuated in a timely fashion.  When we fail to use a constipation remedy or it happens to fail—then these toxins and bacteria will be reabsorbed into our bloodstream where they will spread to other systems throughout the body and cause damage and potentially death.

Fortunately, we can typically treat constipation using a simple laxative that will help stimulate the muscles in the colon and thus push waste out of your body.  Although most laxatives are made with stimulants that can cause a number of harmful side effects, short term use for the treatment of constipation will not typically do any permanent harm.  However, because diet is the most common source of all chronic constipation problems, it is a good idea to focus on prevention rather than treatment.

A good diet for constipation must include dietary fiber as it helps add bulk to stool while also softening it make it easier and less painful to pass.  Eating foods that are high in dietary fiber should make constipation treatment unnecessary in most cases so be sure to look for foods like:

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Kidney beans
  • Whole grain breads/cereals

However, while a diet designed to stop constipation may indeed work once in place—it may not be able to remove the feces that has gathered and been compacted along the walls of the colon.  This waste along the walls of the gastrointestinal tract will make it easier for fecal impactions to form—a common source of constipation.  To remove this waste and best complement your constipation diet, be sure to use an all natural bowel cleanser before starting.

Try New Colon Sweep today and discover how natural, safe, gentle and effective chronic constipation relief can be.