What Happens When Frequent Bowel Movements Become Infrequent
Having frequent bowel movements is something to be proud of because it means that your body is disposing of toxins and bacteria properly. A constipation problem, on the other hand, means that those waste products are building up in your body. When bacteria levels get too high, a condition known as septicemia may form. Basically a large infection raging all throughout your body, septicemia will result in death if not caught early enough. However, septicemia is not the only thing you have to worry about when failing to treat constipation in a timely manner.
Essentially, constipation symptoms tend to be relatively minor in short term cases. Also referred to as “functional constipation”, this relatively minor form of the condition is typified by the following symptoms:
- Infrequent bowel movements
- Bright red blood in stool due to anal fissures that form when trying to pass hard or dry stool
- Pain in abdomen or lower back when trying to pass stool
Constipation causes vary greatly and there are literally dozens of potential culprits to investigate. Some of the more common sources of this type of constipation include:
- Recent travel or change to diet
- Dehydration
- Taking new medication
- Stress
- Withholding bowel movement
Knowing how to get rid of constipation definitely hinges upon understanding the source of the problem. When the cause of constipation is not one of the factors listed above and the condition persists, then the problem is no longer short term. Chronic constipation is often the sign of a larger medical problem. Some of the more common long term constipation causes include:
- Diabetes
- Parkinson’s Disease
- MS
- Fecal impaction
- Diet
- Colon Cancer
- Polyps
Indeed, whenever you have a constipation problem more than one time per month, there is great cause for concern. At the very least, this means that your body is being inundated with bacteria and toxins on a fairly consistent basis and thus weakening your immune system in the process. This will leave you more susceptible to disease and illness and lead to increased cell and tissue damage throughout your body—all because you failed to properly treat constipation!
The best way to deal with constipation pain is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Typical constipation remedies like laxatives and enemas are only useful once the condition is already present. A bowel cleanser, on the other hand, can help you avoid constipation treatment in the future by cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and eliminating the possibility for blockage.
Infant or toddler constipation, however, is harder to recognize and treatment must be undertaken with the utmost care. Unlike an adult who needs constipation help, an infant cannot tell anyone what the problem is so the parent must pay attention to the time in between normal bowel movements. It is even more important to catch a constipation problem early with an infant because the toxins and bacteria can do more damage to a smaller body than they can to an adult in the same time frame.
Frequent bowel movements for babies will depend greatly upon whether or not they are fed using formula or breast milk. Breast-fed babies tend to go longer between bowel movements but this is perfectly natural and nothing to be worried about. Just be sure to know the relative frequency of your toddler’s bowel movements so that you can spot a case of baby constipation early on before serious damage is done.
Infant constipation tends to be self-reinforcing because the bowel incontinence often leads to dry or hard feces that is painful to pass. This may cause the child to withhold future bowel movements and extending the cycle of toddler constipation even further into the future. Thus, to make sure your baby has the most frequent bowel movements possible, be sure to take them to see the doctor whenever a constipation problem extends beyond 2 or 3 days past a normal evacuation.
Try New Colon Sweep today and discover how natural, safe, gentle and effective chronic constipation relief can be.